whisk me away.

whisk me away.
let's be hippies and dress like this.

Friday, May 28, 2010

growing pains.

Recently I turned 22. I always thought that was still pretty young.

Apparently not.

I used to think "So what are you up to these days?" was a genuine inquiry into how I'm doing. Again - I missed the day they explained it's actually a test.

I dread any conversation that begins with the above phrase because I never have anything remotely interesting to tell them and more often then not, it's a trick. It's a way for whatshername's mum to harass me in the supermarket so she can feel that little bit more smug about her angel offspring who has life plans and job offers and grown up stuff galore.

More and more I notice "Oh I'm still at uni" never really gets more than a polite "Oh I see..." and a swift but none-too-subtle subject change.

I always feel like they expect me to say something impressive and even I'm slightly disappointed when I give my answer and it's not.

I can't say I'm honestly surprised though. It doesn't sound all that interesting. I belong too a none-too-elite club of undecided twenty-somethings not old enough to command the workforce and not young enough to avoid it.

I never realised that my "figuring it out" phase had an expiry date and that sooner or later I would have to choose. It's more than that though - more than just being undecided - I feel disappointing. I'm just not sure who's expectations were bigger to start with - theirs or mine.

Though not a huge fan of the show, I did catch an episode of the ever vulgar Sex & the City the other day and in one of her ramblings, Carrie did actually make a point I identified with. She said -
“When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all because there's not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there's no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?
I often wonder that.

It really does seem like at 18 the world is your oyster - all possibilities. All opportunities. All infinite hope.

Then at 21 it's a slightly smaller crustacean - not as tempting but still with a spark of determination that tomorrow you'll be amazing.

But after that? Most days you're not even the main event on the specials board. Even the #2 combo seems to have more on you. You're a disappointment because you're not completely decided on where you're going, how you're going to get there or why and in the end it seems like every decision you've made up til then has been the wrong one and no amount of justifying can take you back.

I just want to know where it's written that I was supposed to have it figured out by now? I mean, in some civilisations, going to university is the dream. Unfortunately not this one.

Okay the pity party stops here. I do realise that an undecided career path is hardly reason for a hunger strike but sometimes it really does feel all that hopeless.

I promise to be amazing somewhere along the line.
Just give me a minute more to figure it all out.

Lesson Seven: To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.

Let's enjoy it while it lasts. xx

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