whisk me away.

whisk me away.
let's be hippies and dress like this.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

tell me what you want (what you really really want).

I'm a secret fan of all things passive-aggressive. It's too easy to say "fcuk you" and be done with it. I've always enjoyed the subliminal stabs in life because (unless they're as fluent in sarcasm as you are) the subject of your ridicule won't even know you're roasting them until you've slipped back into the shadows.

I think that might be why this anonymous blogging thing appeals to me. It's like my very own secret little 'eff you' to the wardens and moderators of my life - the self-appointed watchdogs who patrol the avenues of facebook and the like to update everyone at the next meeting that I went out on friday with X wearing Y and saw Z.

It did get me thinking though. Why is it never okay to just say what you really feel? To do what you want to get what you need? Why is that so unacceptable?

I mean I understand it potentially borders on the edge of crassness, but I for one am a little bit sick of tip-toeing around the point to save people from the truth. Sometimes you need to hear things you don't want to. That's how we grow and learn. I just think we could save a lot of time if we put all our cards on the table at the beginning instead of trying to navigate the emotional minefield of human relationships not saying the things we need to, not feeling the things we want to, not being who we are.

Generally speaking, I try and make sure I don't say things that I don't mean but I think from now on I should make it my goal to say more of what I do. To be clearer in my thought and in my speech outside the safety net of those who know me well. It might get me into trouble now and then but I think I've learnt about as much as I can by playing it safe.

Time to mix it up a little.

Lesson Three: Tell it like it is.

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