whisk me away.

whisk me away.
let's be hippies and dress like this.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

she's so dangeroussssss.

Sometimes when I look at certain people in my life, I wonder: why the hell am I friends with you?  I don't mean to be judgy (even though, clearly, I am) it's just that sometimes, when I see the things they do/ hear the things they say, I'm not sure who I want to stab more - myself or them.  I genuinely can't figure out which of us has changed - whether they've turned into completely socially-retarded selfish morons overnight or whether they were always that way and at some point along the road I just became numb to it?  If it's the latter, someone just plunged me into an ice bath (not unlike an Inception "kick") because I am officially awake and I don't like what I see.

I get that it's kind of a self-preservation/ survival tactic type thing to be a strong, independent, no-nonsense woman but it's a fine line between that and just being a downright b*tch.  I'm okay with strong.  Sassy I can even admire.  But I will never understand why people go out of their way to hurt each other.  While I am often impressed by the lengths some girls (or people in general) will go to simply to feel better about themselves at someone else's expense, mainly it's uncalled for and juvenile.  More than that it's just not classy.  

Reckon it's time for some friendship re-thinks. Social purges. Life deletion.

Lesson Fifteen : Treat others as you wish to be treated. Failing that, just stop being a dick. 

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