whisk me away.

whisk me away.
let's be hippies and dress like this.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

trial & error.

So I actually started this a couple of weeks ago. My first post was a bit dark and broody about how I'm undecided about my life. Then people started to comment and it was all getting a little Dr Phil for my liking so I'm scrapping that and starting again.

I'm really not sure how I ended up here. Most of the blog things I've seen so far are about children, religion or fashion but I'm not sure I can lend too much of an insight on any of that.

For starters, I don't have kids and even when I do I'm still of the opinion that no-one will ever think your kids are as amazing as you do.

Secondly I think a personal relationship with God (or whatever higher power you subscribe to) is for you alone to define. If I want your opinion on how you think my soul is doing I'll...no wait - I don't want it. I'm going to guess that goes both ways.

And third, I admire fashion and its comings and goings as much as the next person but I've still yet to figure out who gets to decide what's cool and why. Whatever the answer, I'm pretty sure it isn't me. I like what I like because I like it. I'm not too fussed by whether or not it's "in" according to the self-ordained judging panel of cool (often employees of noteworthy designer boutiques but who are - let's face it - just glorified shop girls), those people who sit in the front row of New York fashion shows or whoever else gets to tell me what I can and can't secretly love.

So, one might ask (note - 'might' as in - if anyone actually ever reads this)- what is this blog going to be about?
To be honest I haven't decided yet. I'm not vain enough to think anyone even remotely cares about the ins and outs of my everyday life but sometimes I do have some valid thoughts.

Lately I find I'm learning more about life than I ever have before. I'm not sure if that's because I recently hit the grand old age of 22 or if it's because God has a cruel sense of humour and my mid-life crisis is beginning prematurely.

What I do know is I need somewhere to organise my thoughts - to document my life lessons in a more structured way. I guess I could start randomly spouting the things I think out loud as my life unfolds in a type of instructional monologue but I'm pretty sure most people won't think I'm artsy or inspiring; more that I just need psychiatric help.

So let's see where this takes me. I'm going to try and make at least one valid summing up kind of point per blog - that way we might get somewhere.

I think my first is gonna be -

Lesson One: It's okay to not be sure.

I'll try and remember that this week. In the meantime, I'm figuring it out.
Let me park my hopes & fails here til I'm done.

Be blessed kids.

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